“All ears” (“Tutt’orecchi”) is the podcast of the Swiss Institute for Children’s and Youth Media (ISMR) edited by Letizia Bolzani and produced by ISMR.
Every first day of the month, on all major platforms, the best of children’s literature in twenty minutes of listening. With reading tips, interviews, in-depth analysis, and the narration of a story. The project wants to offer the opportunity to learn more about children’s books and to experience the enchantment of a story. The project also believes in the importance of providing adults living alongside children with an agile, competent, and up-to-date map to orient themselves in the vast and varied territory of children’s publishing.
All podcast episodes are available through various streaming platforms: YouTube ISMR, Spotify, Soundcloud and Spreaker.
Find out more: www.ismr.ch/promozione/progetti/tuttorecchi/ (Italian).