“Fußball trifft Kultur” (FtK) represents an integrative educational program fostering underprivileged children aged from 8-14. To do so, FtK especially targets disadvantaged urban quarters by choosing primary and secondary schools with a proportionally high rate of children having a migration background. Based on the guiding idea of equal conditions for everyone, FtK understands education as a fundament for a functioning und tolerant society illustrating the breeding ground for value-based personal development and self-realization.
The main goal of the nationwide program, existing since 2007 and meanwhile supporting 35 project locations in 23 German cities, is to counteract social injustice by fostering educational equality that goes far beyond a sole offer of knowledge transfer. With a concept-oriented offer of football training, remedial education and cultural events, FtK created a unique approach how education can be innovatively conveyed and embedded in a motivating and chance-oriented framework. Regular movement, which is directly linked to the remedial teaching, helps the children to improve concentrativeness, cognitive ability and self-regulation.
Through a holistic and sustainable program approach, including impact orientation of qualitative and quantitative methods of evaluation, FtK has been established to an impactful program with a continuous strive for enhancements and altruistic extension.