European Book Day
The European Book Day aims at promoting literacy in Europe and engage EU-citizens from all age groups with reading. The European Book Day is not one new single day in the annual calendar, but is connected to existing events in four European countries. The objective of the project is to attract new visitors – especially young adults from un-privileged social backgrounds – to those events and introduce European guest authors to the audience. In addition, a curriculum will be written by specialists from the partner countries to organize workshops for the target group.
The idea for the European Book Day originated in Austria, based on the success of the Reading Aloud Day Austria. The three other partner countries are Romania, Germany and Sweden. In each partner country a European Book Day will be added to (a project in) the annual calendar. Based on the European Book Day curriculum, culturally disadvantaged young people will be invited to the project, and EU citizens living abroad will get the opportunity to get in contact again with authors of their home country.