EURead Campaigns

In 2013, EURead organised the European-wide campaign Reading Aloud, Reading Together. And in 2018-2020 EURead organised the Europe Reads campaign, which will likely get a follow up in the near future.  We were also partners in the European Book Day project, which was funded by ErasmusPlus. Below you will find more information about our campaigns. If you are looking for a partner in a European project or campaign, please contact us.


Europe Reads

In November 2018, EURead launched its first pan-European reading campaign. During the Bundesweiter Vorlesetag (German Reading Aloud Day) the first entry in a Europe Reads Book was created. Over 25 entries in no less than three Europe Reads Books would follow, all across Europe. The travelling books have successfully raised awareness about the importance of […]

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European Book Day

The European Book Day aims at promoting literacy in Europe and engage EU-citizens from all age groups with reading. The European Book Day is not one new single day in the annual calendar, but is connected to existing events in four European countries. The objective of the project is to attract new visitors – especially […]

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Bookstart Austria

Founded in 2011, Buchstart Österreich is a lively and constantly growing network of early childhood reading promotion that accompanies families for years. Ministries and federal states support the activities, which are primarily implemented by public libraries. Creativity and artistic expression have a high priority in the project.

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