EURead visits the Bologna Chidren’s Book Fair

On April 8th, 2023, EURead organised a panel discussion at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair. Panelists from the Global Network for Early Years Bookgifting discussed a range of topics.

The panelists were: Emmi Jäkkö (Lukukeskus, Finland), Lotte Baert (Iedereen Leest, Flanders), Marijke Bos (Stichting Lezen, Netherlands) and Julia Norrish (Book Dash, South Africa). The panel was moderated by Daan Beeke (Stichting Lezen, Netherlands).

This year’s edition of the BCBF seemed to have more room for literacy skills and reading promotion. We hope this trend will be continued in the next editions.

Annual General Meeting 2023

On June 5th and June 6th, our Annual General Meeting will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria. Our member Detski Knigi Foundation is hosting this meeting. The venue will be the European Commission premises in Sofia.

Our member Detski Knigi Foundation is hosting this meeting. The venue will be the European Commission premises in Sofia.


, June 5th

Location | European Commission Building (Sofia, 124 Georgi S. Rakovski str.)

9.30 – 10.00 Planned interviews

10.30 – 11.30 Press Conference

12.30 Registration

13.00 Welcome speeches by

Mr Boyko Blagoev, Head of Communication unit at Representation of the European Commission in Bulgaria
Mr Miroslav Borshosh, deputy-mayor of Sofia
Katarina Barley, vice-president of the European Parliament /video/

13.30 Official opening, Dr. Jörg F. Maas, Chair of EURead

13.45 Panel 1 | Moderator: Dr. Jörg F. Maas, Chair of EURead
The State of Literacy in Europe: How can we do better? (A Brief Overview)
Speaker: Marc Lambert, The Scottish Book Trust

14.30 Coffee Break

14.45 Panel 2 | Moderator: Gerlien van Dalen, Co-Chair of EURead
Open Mic #1
The German National Reading Alliance and National Reading Plan (Jörg F. Maas)
Reading owns! initiative (Lovisa Fhager Logothetis)

15.15 Global Network Inspirational update
 Chaired online by Peter Jenkins, Book Trust (UK)

16.15 Panel 3 | Moderator: Elaina Ryan

Open Mic #2

Pilot reading promotion programme in 10 primary healthcare centers of Attica region (Ava Chalkiadaki)

16.30 EURead Membership Welcome certificates

17.00 End of day one

19.30 Dinner
Dinner speech by Manol Peykov – translator, publisher, member of Parliament and Man of The Year 2023

Tuesday, June 6th

Location | European Commission Building (Sofia, 124 Georgi S. Rakovski str.)

9.00 General Assembly: Legal Matters and Finances

10.00 Panel 4 | Moderator: Diana Gerald, Co-Chair EURead

Open Mic #3

Introducing the Austrian “Was steht da?” (Laura Albers)

10.15 Coffee Break

10.30 Insights about the state of literacy and reading in Bulgaria: preparation for implementing
the Read-Aloud Monitor

Speaker: Valentina Stoeva, Children’s Books Foundation (Bulgaria)

11.15 Panel 5 | Moderator: Emmi Jäkkö
Open Mic #4

How to promote reading with teenagers and young adults (Anne Bergman-Tahon)

Men’s & boy’s reading – problems and approaches to dealing with low readership rates among these groups (Marcin Skrabka)

11.30 Update on the new website implementation / Discussing common network communication strategies

Speakers: Daan Beeke and Marc Lambert (website); Emmi Jäkkö (communication)

12.30 Lunch (Ugo Pizza, 2 Han Krum str.)

Location | Sofia City Library – American Corner 4A, Petko Slaveykov square, fl. 1

13.30 Panel 6 | Moderator: Dr. Jörg F. Maas, Chair of EURead
Reviving Europe Reads

Speakers: Daan Beeke, Valentina Stoeva

14.15 Funding from EU / EU projects

Representatives from Creative Europe Desk

15.00 Where to next? Feedback from the AGM in Sofia

15.30 Closing of the AGM

16.00 End of day two

Full agenda: EURead_AGM2023_agenda


Save the Date: Annual General Meeting 2022

On May 4th and May 5th, our Annual General Meeting will take place in Brussels.

The meeting location will be the Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the European Union, in Brussels.

We hope to finally meet in real life again, and bring together our members from all over Europe. We will be holding 2 days of plenary sessions on sharing experience and best practices to develop strategies for the promotion of literacy and reading across Europe.

More information will follow. If you are interested in participating, please use the contact form.

Pre-Summer Meeting 2021

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

13.00 Welcoming & opening
Dr. Jörg F. Maas

13.05 Update on Global Network acitivites
Daan Beeke

13.10 Update on website renovation
Daan Beeke

EURead network:
13.15 Austrian BookStart Program, Reinhard Ehgartner
13.25 Childrens’ Books Ireland Program, Elaina Ryan

13.35 Questions to presenters
Moderated by Jörg

13:40 Open mic round for updates within EURead network
Moderated by Jörg

13:50 AGM 2021: Call for presentations & themes

14:00 Wrap Up

COVID-19 Activities

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of our members have been actively involved in promoting reading and providing support to families and teachers in their efforts to instill a love for reading in children during these challenging times.

Buchklub Austria

Medienzentrum in Belgium

Children’s Books Ireland

We are Children’s Books Ireland and we’re working for a future where every child is a reader.

Where the joy of reading is felt by all children on the island of Ireland, regardless of their circumstances.
Reading has the power to change lives. It builds empathy, improves mental wellbeing and is a more powerful factor in life achievement than socio-economic background.
Reading helps us to understand ourselves and others, and the world around us. And, fundamentally, reading brings joy.

Stiftung Lesen, Germany

‘Europe and the world’ is the motto of the nationwide Reading Aloud Day 2020 in Germany.

How can we present this? Clearly, with a fairy tale, read out in 13 languages. See for yourself and listen.

The Finnish Reading Center, Finland

Our EURead member in Finland, Lukukeskus (The Finnish Reading Center), visualizes virtual author visits. Emmi Jäkkö, Development Manager, says:

“In April more than 400 author visits were canceled in Finland and authors lost more than 100.000 € income just during those first months. We had to find another solution. Luckily we had tested virtual visits before, and were able to modify visits quickly. 2019 we arranged 7 virtual author visits, this year around 500. It feels like audiences and organizers have now found this new way of communicating with authors. “

Detski Knigi Foundation, Bulgaria

Our Bulgarian EURead member presents the following link to an interesting video in Bulgarian – “How A Book Is Made”.

“This video was presented to the Bulgarian teachers and librarians, part of the Magic Pearl Reading Clubs network and was used to stimulate the children to create their own books at home, during the lockdown.”, says Valentina Stoeva, Chairperson.